Admission Form For Punjabi School.
Personal Details: First Name (required) Sur Name (required) Gender (required) MaleFemale Date of birth (required) Permanent Address: Your Email (required)
Mobile (required)
Mother Name (required)
Father Name (required)
Days attending: (required) —Please choose an option—Tuesday/WednesdayThursday/Friday
Level of Punjabi: —Please choose an option—Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5GCSEA-Level
Do you consider yourself to have a disability and/or learning difficulty? YesNo
[group group-577] If yes then please specify: (required) [/group]
Health Problem/Allergy:
Do you consider yourself to have a health problem and/or allergy? YesNo
[group group-578] If yes then please specify: (required) [/group] Schools Please give the name of the last school or college you attended or are still attending: Photos: I give permission to Punjabi school to take photos and upload onto the website/other media: YesNo