This project is driven by the community, for the community. A sense of belonging and ownership is fundamental to not only the successful project, but more importantly a successful new Gurdwara for both the Sikhs and the wider community.

A humble request is made to all of us to help support financially in anyway that we can by following the Sikh principle of ‘Dasvand’. Please donate generously.

Thank you.

How to Donate

To support your Gurdwara you can use any of the below methods.

Donate Via Just Giving

How to give?

Please click the Just Giving DONATE button above and this will take you to our Just Giving Page where you can donate once or repeatedly, donations can be made public or anonymously please select your setting when on the Just Giving site. You can also share this link via social media.


Bank Transfer

How to give?

By using the bank details above you can make one off payments to the Bank Account. When sending funds via a bank transfer please state your full name, postal address (for your receipt) and identity if you are eligible for Gift Aid. Gift Aid is important to us as we can get a further 25% additional funding from the government.

Bank: Barclays Bank 
Account Name: Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara (Sikh Temple)
Account Number: 73508765
Sort Code: 20: 49: 08

Donate Via Cheque

Please make all cheques payable to the following
Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara

Please make sure if sending in a cheque to the Gurdwara please use the below address and add a note with the cheque stating your postal address (for your receipt) and if you are eligible for Gift Aid. Gift Aid is very important to us as we receive a further 25%  donation from the government.


Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara,

106 East Park Road
United Kingdom 

Monthly Direct Debit

How to give?

Please download the above Direct Debit consent form and fill in.
You can then email a copy of this form to or drop the form off to the office located in the Gurdwara.

Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara,

106 East Park Road
United Kingdom